Yesterday was a great day! I stumbled upon Savers on the internet looking for thrift shops and OMG! I'm an instant fan. I found the one on N. Rancho and bought a few things, at check out I was asked if I enjoyed my visit and of course I said yes and mentioned that it was my first visit and the checker began to explain the benefits of shopping at Savers, discounts etc, got a club card.... she also explained what the donated monies were used for, this explained some of the higher prices you might find on some of the items. No matter, it feels good to give back. I was so excited when she mentioned the Summerlin location, which is in my neighborhood that I left and visited that store as well. I came back home with some great purchases and so excited about my finds that I called my cousin in CA to tell her about it and she's going to visit a Savers there as well. I'm going to visit all of the locations in Vegas just because, a deal is a deal!! At both locations, the staff was terrific and everyone in line was excited about their finds. The lady behind me said that she's been a Saver customer for over 10 years. Great job Savers!!