| - POUTINE. Obviously, a must-do in Montreal.
Frite Alors is a chain with an outpost within walking distance from our hotel, making it the perfect midday beer and fries stop while basking in the afternoon sun. My personal take on poutine is that there's no need to dress it up with anything fancy. It's best as the Nordiques made it - simply-done frites, thick brown gravy, and gluttonous cheese curds. Don't dress it up with sweet potato tots, bison sauce, or havarti melts.
As such, the absolute best thing you can order at Frite Alors is La Vladimir, the "regularly" done poutine with no additional accoutrements. It looks plain and tastes great. The group ordered some other poutines that were totally skippable.
Their regular fries are done well, too, if you prefer the dipping methodology. There are a boatload of sauces to pick from and I honestly don't remember what we chose (Maybe the simple aioli? Or the Bearnaise?) but I remember it being good. There's a small patio outside that we promptly commandeered, and yes, a nice selection of Canadian beers awaited.