This is a special place. We normally don't eat French food since we are trying to cut down on rich foods. Beaver Hall had a nice selection of items that can be healthy so we had a mix. We started off with the Tartare de saumon à la lime et wakamé, aeufs de tobiko et réduction de soya (Salmon tartare with lime and wakamé, tobiko caviar and soya reduction.) The flavors and presentation was exquisite.
We split the duck entree -- Cuisse de canard confite, röstis de panais, petite salade de roquette et gastrique aux framboises (Confit duck leg, parsnip rösti, aragula salad and rasberry gastric). This was exceptionally prepared and melted in our mouths.
But food alone doesn't make a five star restaurant. On top of good food the servers were attentive and made us feel at home.
Should I say we had flambé Crepe Suzettes? The servers prepare them in the middle of the restaurant which makes a nice show for all.
If you are looking for a special Montreal restaurant, we recommend Beaver Hall.
See their website: