For the past 6 years, this is the station that my family always goes to for gas. Yesterday, I was inside and a teenage boy came in. He was beet red and had sweat running down his face. He asked the employees behind the counter if he could please have a cup for water (it was 108 degrees outside), all three of the employees ignored him. He asked again, This time, a male employee stated he could not give him a cup and went on to tell the boy that he could purchase on for 79 cents. They boy stated that he only had 50 cents. The male employee stated "sorry". I was absolutely blown away. I turned around a grabbed a water out of the cooler and told the boy I would buy him one. A male customer standing next to me stated that he would pay for it. The boy thanked us and left. Due to the greed and lack of common sense or human compassion over a freaking cup of water, my self and my family will start purchasing our gas elsewhere. The customer who bought the boys water also stated that he would not be doing business with Green Valley Grocery again.