Big fun is sort of a novelty store that requires tons of restraint if you're having one of those therapeutic shopping moments. I REALLY appreciate the organization of the place. For a store that has SO MUCH STUFF the potential for a super chaotic layout is on the high end of the scale. They do a stellar job of managing it in some bizarre way. Visit and you'll see what I mean because it's something you have to experience to come close to understanding.
Big Fun is totally one of those stores that I suggest going to NOT on a weekend. So much is going on there- it's really stocked FULL and you don't want to miss anything! Hit it up during a less busy time so you can fully enjoy the place and have a chat with the folks working there because they're really cool. You may be interested in something (for yourself or as a gift) and they may have it but you've missed it! They really are making the most of the space they're in so don't be afraid to ask.
Having worked in a similar store years ago I'd suggest not being one of "those" customers. Don't try out everything that makes a noise. If you're actually in the market for perhaps a bike bell- maybe give it a try. If not- leave the bike bell alone. If you need a horn, a noisemaker of some kind, etc. do the same. Just think of the hell it would be to work in a store where people came in all day acting crazy and not buying stuff they'd been super annoying with, to boot! Be considerate!!!
ESPECIALLY Go to Big Fun for:
*Prank Supplies
*Cleveland gear
*Archie McPhee/ Accoutrements products
*Sassy Cards, Postcards and Stickers
*Unemployed Philosophers Guild products
*Random little toys/ gag gifts
*Magnet sets
*Paper Dolls
*Some sexyish stuff
*Some LGBTQ*** stuff
*TONS of toys and items related to your favorite characters from childhood that you really should be able to bill your mom for since she threw them out so casually...
***I think that I used the "Q" word in a previous review and may have gotten censored even though that's how I personally identify and I'm certainly NOT alone in that. FYI