Ok, ok, yes there is a bunch of crap there but sometimes we are looking for some crappy item, also it's classic Las Vegas. I'll tell you the best part of the Fantasik swap meet in the very back isle ... it's all hand crafted item from some very talented people. I asked one lady there why they weren't in the front, it would make the place look like there is hope when you first enter. She told me they give a discount to the crafters if they take the back row, what they call the annex. Kinda sucks because there really are some very talented people back there but I don't think they get the traffic it takes to make a go of it.
My advise is park in the back and enter thru the back door .... don't head down the main isle of crap go left down the very last isle and once you get past the people selling roasted nuts get ready to be amazed. My favorites there were the people with the Hawaiian crystals and this women with the most incredible hand made glass jewelry, so gorgeous you have to see to appreciate. I've seen other things like this at MUCH higher prices.
So don't miss out, check out the arts and crafts annex in the back. I'm giving them 5 stars just for these talented people.