| - *Update! I'm here right after a blue jays game and somehow everyone is packed into the Tim's next door, but this place had room for my group of five on the patio and upstairs! We chose upstairs for an epic game of scrabble. Quality of the coffee is excellent, just like the first time and the music is sweet! *
I hadn't had a coffee all day, so naturally I was jonesing for one sooo bad, and then suddenly BOOM! Walked right past this place, and thought "let's check this out!!".
The decor was pretty sweet, most notably the badass and HUGE world map made of coffee beans right behind the main counter.
I ordered "the best cortado in the world" from the barista, who was super nice, and guess what I got? One of the smoothest, best tasting cortado's I've ever had!
I also ended up getting some mini-cupcakes which were awesome :)
I was in quite a rush, so I didn't get to check out the upstairs, or order other drinks to see if there was consistency, but I'm definitely going to go back when I get a chance.