I am not a shopper. When I enter a store, I know what I want and usually the time spent in the store is spent on looking for that item and not browsing so much. That's how things started out in Smeeks but quickly turning into a shopping and browsing experience.
It had been years since I was in a candy store and to sit back and look at all the stuff that I want but cannot eat is agonizing. They have a ton of candy that is original from hard candy to chocolates to toffees to chocolate bars which leads me to why I was there. COFFEE CRISPS. I spotted them almost as soon as I walked in the store and as I stood and looked at the other candy surrounding them, it took me back to Canada. Crispy Crunch, Eat More, Caramilk, Smarties (not the tart candies - the candy covered chocolate) all of the things I haven't seen in years and I wanted to buy and eat to send me into diabetic coma but I held back and bought only what I came for...Coffee Crisps...and they were damn good! Smeeks, I'll be back to buy more someday, See you then!