I'm writing this bad review on principle.
We were in the area for DW Bistro and decided to spend our 30-minute wait at Starbucks. I ordered some sort of passion iced tea and then stood aside as I patiently waited. A couple who ordered after me seemed to be good friends with the barista and they got both of their drinks ahead of me. OK not a big deal. But then another customer also received his drink before mine showed up. At that point, I decided to get closer to the counter. Finally, the barista puts down some sort of iced drink in front of me. I didn't catch the name, but it looked like it could be mine, so I grabbed it and took a few sips. At that point, the barista asks the next customer if he was waiting for a drink. It turns out that I had grabbed his. I put it back down and tell her I've been waiting for my drink for a while. She then promptly hands me my iced tea. Where was that 5-10 minutes ago?
I apologize for the long journey with no payoff. I'm not sure why my drink took so long, but they didn't seem to care and offered no apologies. Similarly, I felt no remorse about taking someone else's drink and forcing them to make him another.
I also feel no remorse for giving this Starbucks a one-star review.