I was thoroughly unimpressed with the venue and show.
First, about the venue and seating. We arrived 30 minutes before the show started and were already near the end of a long line for general admission (GA). They seated us almost directly behind a large pillar that is in the middle of the venue for GA seating. We asked if we could move and the person that seated us said yes. In fact, several people moved just like us for the same reason...then when he seated more people, he asked people that moved to move back. When they declined he got upset and seated the new people in their seats. There are side rows on each side of the venue that you aren't supposed to sit in (well they sat people in them anyways). We were very close to them and the reason you're not supposed to sit there is you see all of the slide of hand moves from them.
Regarding the show. If you're not seated near the center and have ever been to a magic shop, you'll see the slide of hand tricks fairly easily. My friend and I could see Xavier slipping things in and out of his jacket throughout the show for his basic tricks. He used animation and videos for his light trick...which made the magic even less inspiring. We could also see people handing him things from behind the backdrop from where we were seated (some ill-timed). He did a Cirque De Soil type of act where he kept messing up (at least 5x). To be honest, I only really saw him complete a few of tricks that were up-to-par with what I would expect at a Las Vegas magic show...the rest of was not what I would consider magic at all.
I think this show would be okay for a 5 year old, but anybody who has seen magic before will not be impressed. I paid $25 per ticket on Groupon and I still feel like I overpaid.
Save your money and see something else.