I used to really like this car wash, however the last 3 times I've been here I've had sub-par to downright abysmal service or experiences. Once I literally drove back to the place to have them vacuum as they'd completely ignored the entire back seat area and floors in my car. But the most recent experience takes the cake.
I show up a little after 5pm on a Saturday after having just left a tire shop. My car is push to start and after arriving at the car wash I realize I can't find my keys. A near panic sets in because at some point the car will turn off, I don't recall being handed my keys and the tire shop closed at 5 & won't reopen until Monday. I immediately start to dial the tire shop and can't get an answer. I see the weasely windshield guy making his approach. He's clued in as to what's going on and wouldn't you know this ponytailed sleaze ball commences to sales pitch me anyway. I tell him I'm trying to reach the shop, I have somewhere to be in the next hour and he proceeds to follow me all the while asking me about the chip in my windshield that I barely even notice eve though I abruptly told him "not right now." he goes on anyway. When I ask if he referencing the dime sized nicking the very lowest part of the visible windshield, his retort is "it's quarter sized and spreading." Dude, I know how big a dime is. And I know the chip isn't spreading because it happened the SAME DAY that I replaced the last windshield and is the same size it was then. Look at the picture! He then goes on to tell me that my rear window "is shot" because of the rubber seal degradation the sun causes. Really, man?
I really, really am deterred and likely won't return here any time soon. If I wanted this type of unscrupulous used car lot experience, I'd go to a used car lot with a pay stub stapled to my shirt.