Came here for a tasting class because my normal total wine I go to in summerlin was sold out. I know this location is newer and some employees are friendlier and more helpful than others. I have been helped by the manager, and another gentleman with pierced ears, always asks me if I need help and they are always able to assist me. After shopping I still always end up in the scotch aisle to pick up something. They are the reason I bump this review to 2 stars instead of 1 star.
I came for a whisky tasting class, the live event class was great. The red haired female hostess told us the class was sold out, maybe about 70% of the chairs were filled at the end, so much wasted scotch was left. They had a very nice glencairn whisky glass from glenfiddich. The gentleman near us didn't want his glass so he said we could take it. There were a lot of extra souvenir glasses so people were taking extra. On the way out the rude redhaired hostess basically yelled at all of us that we could only take one per customer. Um, if a person give's you his, doesn't that mean you can take it? Especially if people already paid for it? Doesn't make sense. I put mine back and so did a lot of other customers.
Again the class was great, but I'm sure that lady left a bad taste in many people's mouths.
I really enjoyed the Glenfiddich 15 the best so I wanted to buy a bottle, and we will go back to our favorite summerlin location instead to do business.