Fez is...okay. It was many One Lex dwellers' (our former residence) go-to simply because it was the only decent place to go to that was reachable on foot. That was until they opened Sochu House the other way (south) down Central Ave. One CAN make it all the way to a Gallo Blanco at The Clarendon Hotel which is also decent, but not on foot in the summer heat.
The Fez menu is fine. Service is fine. Lots of Mediterranean-y items to choose from. Lots of veggie options if that's your ilk. The long bar is impressive and they do have great drink specials. It's all around a decent place, but it doesn't even begin to tip the balance on amazing or fantastic. It's fine. I think what it lacks I can only describe as a sincere "feel". Perhaps the owners, and you dear Reader, should pay a visit to The Vig Uptown, or to St-Francis to get my drift on this. These days in such a competitive market, a restaurant needs to be memorable. One should want to rave about it and bring all of ones' out-of-town guests to dine there. Fez lacks that next level. It probably does a decent business at lunch. I know the happy hour can get busy. Like I said Fez is solidly decent; just doesn't quite blow ones' hair back.
I don't know that I will likely never go back to Fez because I don't NEED to. I now live in an area chock-full of great places to go, many of them walking distance; though let's be real...who walks ANYWHERE in Phoenix? I stop the car to pick up my mail- across the street for crying out loud!
However, if you are new to the Central/Osborn area you will soon find that Fez and Sochu House are your only decent walkable options. So please do go in and check it out for yourself. You will likely go twice like we did and then drive somewhere awesome after that.