I am a former employee of this company, and my time spent there was a memory to be frank. However there is one fella I'd like to address. It's that manager Nick Carilli. I was 16-17 when I started work here and in March, Nick decided that he would perform a wrestling maneuver on me. In the process, I was injured and couldn't race in my upcoming track meets. This didn't bother me because he said he was sorry, and I really didn't want to ruin his already pathetic life. However, new information has surfaced that concludes he hurt me with malicious intent. This was all because I was "an asshole". I don't care if I was an asshole or not, you don't hurt someone just because you feel like it. I have many of my friends who work there who will confirm this happening. I hope that his employer sees this, so he can realize what he's done.