Called man answered and told him about my issues I was having and he very quickly said no we don't do that by in joy your. I cut his a** off before u can finish. Im a Grown man with a back and neck injury after smashing a car going over 100 MPh and just wanted to get a check up. There was no need to call me a pill seeker and get lost. Then have the nerve to call my personal cell phone back to call me a drug seeker again and get lost... very professional thus place is.. I would of been happy to just see a doc about my neck and my asthma maybe some asthma med and some ibp 800.. but this assholes who I talked to needs to get his ass fired. WORST PLACE I EVER TALKED TO AND HAD THEM CALL ME BACK TO CUSS ME OUT!!!. Mind is blow .. coming from a medial position in the hospital that was completely wrong in every way.