This company was recommended by Doug @ City Electric Supply. I called and talked with Doug to set up an appt. for outlet problems after erroneously diagnosing a breaker problem. Doug said electrician would call prior to coming out (same day...good) and said first half hour would be $125 and a lot of times that's enough to find and correct problem. Ok? Electrician called around 2:20pm and showed up about 20 minutes later.
He found a short in one outlet that was affecting two others in the series, fortunately the affected outlet was back to back in the same wall and only required about 10" of wire to replace. He also asked if I wanted to replace the two outlets. (I said yes, and I have two new outlets on hand). Upon leaving time out was 4:15. The charge was $275. I wrote a check because he said they don't take atm/credit cards??? Of course after he left I noticed he wrote 2.5 hours on the invoice? I called the electrician directly before calling the ofc. to ask why...he was only there a1.5 hours. Not satisfied with his answer regarding "parts" (I supplied) and "travel time" which was never mentioned I called the ofc. and asked Gary for a review of the bill. After a week, I called back and still Gary had not looked at the bill and had to call me back...20 minutes later he followed up and said that 2.5 was just for his business overhead and recording the electricians hours??? He agreed the the GPS indicated the electrician was thonly at my home for 1.5 hrs. So at 1.5 hours @ $275 is $183 hr!! including "travel time". You can find a competent electrician for less!