BEWARE OF WOMEN WITH BOXERS!! We were at the park today in the grassy area and there were two women there with 6 large dogs off the leash (3 boxers, 3 unknown) and they all attacked my 25lb puppy today. The women didn't seem to care and did nothing to help get their dogs off mine. It took me chasing and jumping in the middle of a pack of dogs to help my small pup. Then they had the nerve to tell me that their dogs didn't do anything. I told them to put their dogs on a leash since they were viscous. There are many small children and other dogs around. We left immediately since our pup was hurt and when we passed them in the car, all dogs were still off their leashes and the owners were playing with them like nothing had happened. Cops were called but since we left to get our dog home, they wouldn't do anything.
Needless to say, if I see them again with there dogs off the leash, there will be issues!