| - First of all this place seems to be the kind of place you would find in Myrtle Beach or Pigeon Forge ... and I mean this in the worst sort of way. We were there on a Saturday morning, looking for a nice place to eat breakfast. This was not it. We stood in line and were finally rushed over to a table that was squeezed between four other tables ... to be honest, I am surprised it meets fire code. This also means that you get bumped by everyone else being rushed out. And rushed you are. The food arrives so quickly, one wonders how they can cook it so quickly .... I guess they are fast with the microwave, great at thawing stuff, and cook as much as possible in advance. So, after waiting around for a while to sit, the server impatiently taps their foot waiting for you to quickly pick something from the menu. Hey, here is a tip: WHY don't you post the menu near the door so that people waiting to get in, can go ahead and make up their minds ... The food is about the same quality as Cracker Barrel, or Bob Evans .... definitely nothing to write home about. The big difference between Cracker / Bob and this place, is that the other two resturants are quieter, and you have more room to sit and to eat. Also, you are not given the bums rush after the food arrives. I mean, my plate was literally whisked away BEFORE I was finished eating. I would have been upset, but the food just was not that good, and so was not worth getting upset over.