I really love this little shop and was so glad that my brother and his girlfriend had introduced me to it. They had bought a small container of their small chocolate chip macadamia cookies and they were super yummy and cite since they were shaped into little pineapples.
I was excited to try some of their other products and they didn't disappoint! They had a small section near one of the window displays that had samples of some of their cookies as well as a water dispenser for your own usage. Guava was their seasonal flavor, so I ended up getting one of each of the ones they had, which is dipped and nondipped. I like how they had cookies with no nuts since my boyfriend is allergic and he was able to sample and nab two cookies for himself. I am definitely a sucker for dark chocolate, so I got ones that were dipped in it. They told us that the cookies were made in Hawaii daily and sent to the various locations to be sold, so you know they be real fresh!
We ended up getting a box of 5 from their cookie bar where you get to select your own cookies based on what size container you get. We also got three free ones since they gave us each a coupon to redeem one cookie each at one of their two locations on the strip. So of course we ended up doubling back later on to redeem our cookies!