| - Sing, Dance, Play, and Learn - you and your child will do all of these things at Musicology!
Thanks to an invitation from our friends Tammar and Anabelle, Baby M and I checked out the "Infant Rhythms" class last week, and we loved it! We've already been back for a second visit and plan on returning again and again.
Musicology offers classes for newborns - children 3 years of age. I can only speak to the former, but I was super impressed! I never would have guessed how much my son would enjoy a class at just 9 weeks old, but he really did! I've experienced two different instructors (Sarah and Mary), and they were both fabulous. They give personalized attention to each child, calling them by name. The class is 45 minutes long and jam-packed with creative songs, movement, and activities using all kinds of props to help promote security, bonding, attention, eye tracking, muscle-joint awareness and sound / language skills. In our two visits, I learned new songs and fun ways to play with my baby. We used bubbles, bells, mirrors, a parachute, and a ton more fun stuff, and with the other babies in attendance, the class is great for socialization too!
I'm not sure who enjoys going to Musicology more - me or the baby, but regardless, I look forward to many more classes in the months / years to come.
Your first class is free... check out their website for details. Maybe we will see you there!