Sonnys is a pretty legit joint.....
So me and some of my brosiffs decided to get our creep on one Saturday night. As we drove onto the property, it looked like the wild wild west. all dirt and rock. This is where everyone parked their mac trucks and Hondas,
As we walked up to the little joint, we started coming up with our false stories (I of course was Cowboy Walter Brooksendorf and my bud was Sir Lindley Phillip the 6th). as we walked up we had to get basically raped by the large goon at the door. We all knew he lived in Apache Junction so we laughed it off. Then you walk in and in this little nook sits a girl probably no older that 18 years and 3 days old. She takes your money and pretends like she loves her life.
Finally we make it into the main "cafeteria".
All the broads are pretty hot. We start schmoozing with a couple of them. Couple crooked teeth but no stab wounds like some of the other places Ive been to.
Drinks are expensive, the smoking patio basically looks like a bomb shelter for refugees and the girls expect you to buy them booze.
All and all, its a typical strip joint. Not too bad at all.
the cowboy routine never works if you aren't wearing chaps.....a little heads up for you gents.