| - I made a new year resolution to make more of an effort to be grateful and more importantly, to express my gratitude. So after being back home after a grueling work trip and petting my good dog, I thought that a review for Inn to Pets was in order. I've been bringing my pets here for several years when I travel since I can tie in a visit to the Cleveland branch office along with whereever it is I need to fly. The most recent stay was over the holidays and I had such wonderful encounters on both the drop off and pick up of Bella. First off, Bella's beauty is her personality and not her physical appearance. She's a mutt and a funny looking one at that. I see such gorgeous pure breeds all the time at Inn To Pets. However, Bella loves the girls there and they love her back! Bella gets so excited when we get out of the car and she gets a whiff and recognizes where she is. Sometimes I'm a little embarrassed by how happy she is with the person who brings her back out to me when I pick her up. It's like "C'mon Bella, I'm your mommy!" But it's great to know that your baby loves where she's going and loves being there. Bella makes it known when she doesn't like someone, there's no faking it with her! So as we walk into the lobby, there's no one at the front desk but one of the girls comes out of the office. Oops, I arrived during their lunch break. I apologize profusely but the young lady is cheerful and tells me that they are on the clock even during lunch for this very reason- they never know when a customer will arrive or call. Bella promptly gives the girl a sloppy kiss and they head back into the kennel. Often during my trips I'll email or call Inn to Pets to check on Bella. It's stupid, I know, but I still do it. They send me pictures and tell me what silly things she does during her playtimes and walks and no one ever acts like they think I'm being silly or paranoid; they are all such pleasant and poised young people that I wish I could clone them and hire them myself! When I returned from my trip, I was able to get an earlier flight so I picked up Bella earlier than I had told them. The young lady was so apologetic that Bella hadn't yet had her bath and asked if I had time to wait while they gave her one; in no time Bella was brought to me all pretty and clean! The young man even carried all of Bella's stuff to the car for me so I didn't have to make 2 trips.