| - Pies. Little pies. Big pies. But no slices.
Ventured here on the day of their grand opening on Allen St. They had several flavors of sweet mini pies, 2 types of savory pies (margarita pizza, root vegetable), pinch pies (turnover style), "pop tart" style pastries, and 1 type of cookie. They had the most variety of mini sweet pies and I tried the caramlized banana (banana filling with whip cream) and chocolate (chocolate cream with whip). Humble also serves coffee and Cha Cha tea.
The real problem here is ratio. If you love the outer crust of a pie, this is a great choice for you. Personally, I find the edge of a pie to be more hard and less flaky than my liking, and you really get a lot of it vs filling when the diameter of the pie is decreased. The fillings were good, but not super outstanding. Overall, a slice is typically a better value (mini pie was $4 and smaller than a typical restaurant slice) and a better crust to filling ratio. Start serving slices, Humble, and I may change my mind!