I went in for dermal lip fillers with Jess. I arrived an hour earlier than the already suggested hour early to fill out paperwork because there was a lot less traffic going in to Robinson than I expected. The associate, Angela, at the front desk was so helpful and sweet.. I was so happy they had someone as nice and knowledgable as her at the front because I was so nervous and she really put me at ease. I was called back and we started. I hadn't eaten so I was a little light headed after a while (I'm not a fan of needles) and Jess got me a water, an ice pack, and turned the fan while she sat with me until I felt better. She is amazing I have never done anything like this and it barely hurt at all. I am so happy they are so even and exactly the size I want... Thank you Jess!!!!
FOLLOW UP: 2nd syringe with Nicole because I got her and Jess mixed up but this was the only day I could come in.. Another amazing job!!