| - So it's Thanksgiving, and I have no family out this way. I was content to stay home when I started to get the blues, so I figured I'm going out for an early dinner. While I am not thrilled about going to Forum Shops, I have always wanted to check this place out, so here I am. The patio looked a bit too *lively* for my taste, so I asked to be seated in the dining room. I must have come on "mom takes her 2 daughters out" day because there were literally 3 sets in my elevated dining room section. There were many sets of tourist as well. I enjoyed that the atmosphere of this place it is classy yet accessible.
As soon as I was seated, I was asked what I would like to drink. This time my water was kept on a silver platter on my table. Nice touch, but I would have preferred it kept on ice. (I know. I'm spoiled.) In fact, they weren't too on top of the "let me refill it for you" thing. When my waiter made his way to my table, I asked him if they had a Thanksgiving special. They did, and he gave me a very informative description of the courses. I told him I would take it. He offered it a la cart instead of the full menu. I had to assure him that I wanted the full menu.
The Butternut Quash Soup with Cranberry Quince-Apple Chutney, Candied Walnuts,Cardamom Cream and Pumpkin Seed Oil was amazing. Never have had that dish before, but it really did taste like Thanksgiving. The bread course was certainly one of the best that I've had. The main course was Roasted Free Range Turkey Roulade with Pretzel Bread Stuffing Knodel, Green Bean Casserole, Sweet Potato Puree with Brown Sugar, Yellowfin Mash Potato, Cranberry-Apple Chutney, Bay-Leave and Clove Turkey Au Jus. I cleared my plate. In fact my waiter came back by and saw it, smiled, and said, "Wow. Good Job." It really made me feel a whole lot better... then I began to think that this was one of the best dinners I have had. I was thankful that even though it was impossible to go home to family, it was not impossible to enjoy a wonderful dinner. I had espresso and perused the dessert menu but nothing caught my eye.
All in all, this was one of the best dining experiences I have had in Vegas... I really wish that there was something remotely comparable off of the Strip. In fact, I plan on returning to see if this was a fluke or if this place is the real deal.