They were great with helping me and my son with buying his first pets, 2 gold fishies. The gentleman showed us what our "first" tank should be and did not try to sell me everything I didn't need. I really liked that.
When you're carrying around a 1 year old all over the store looking for a "simple" goldfish and a "nice" yet inexpensive tank, you certainly don't need anyone breathing down your back telling you that you need this and you need that. I was in and out within 15 minutes and got everything we needed and I even went "all out" and bought a mini Sponge Bob decorative for the tank.
I was so excited that I had gotten all this for my son's first pet and he could learn to have responsibilities by cleaning out their fish tank and making sure they were fed when he got older..... Oops....either I forgot to ask or they forget to tell me..... But someone forgot to get food for the fishies..... Oh Crap..... :)
But I'm still going back cause they are great people and it is truly a great store and I should have remembered that fish need to eat too!