I ordered pizza around 8PM on a Saturday. No more than 5 minutes after I placed my order I called back and cancelled my order. I was assured that I would not be charged and to have a great night.
Fast forward to when I received my credit card statement and was surprised to see a charge for pizza I never received. I called Gus and calmly explained that there had been an error and my card was incorrectly charged. I provided my cell phone number and the date of the charge.
When she asked for the CC number I explained that my card had been stolen since this charge and I don't have access to that number anymore. She then accused me of lying and asked if I even remembered ordering the pizza. I asked if there was any other way that this could be looked up as it seemed a bit weird that the ONLY information they would choose to keep on file would be my CC number. She then went on about how it seemed a bit fishy to her that I wouldn't have it and that it sounded like I had a lot of money if I was willing to front my credit card being stolen. WHAT DOES THAT EVENT MEAN?!
Let's be real. This pizza I never got was only 31.75. However, the way this employee spoke to me was incredibly disrespectful and inappropriate. I told her she could take up her concerns with Discover and opened a case where Gus will now have to prove delivery. I've never had this pizza and after this experience you can guarantee I never will.