It's a very long story... I got my beagle fixed they stitched her with wires instead of the dissolvable ones it was two days before Christmas and I took her in twice because I knew her cut it was infected and saw two different doctors they told me that she was fine to put Neosporin (first doctor) then peroxide (second doctor).. After we left I knew my baby was in pain the next morning and Cheyenne tonopah was closed so I took her to the animal hospital on Craig and Decatur they said she was definitely infected and if I would have waited another day she would have died. Oh and Cheyenne tonopah did not give me and antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication that I got at Craig and Decatur. Oh and Cheyenne tomopah thanks for telling me to put peroxide on my dog because you told me it would help heal her cut it was actually burning my dogs skin! I will forever hate this place for putting my dog threw so much pain!! Oh and I have pictures from beginning to end!