Are all grocery stores in Phoenix giant? This one is huge.
I didn't see any homeless people sitting around but there was a security guard on duty so that may have have something to do with it.
We got stocked up on road snacks for our drive back to the East Bay.
We also bought a small bottle of Vodka to enjoy one last drink as a night cap before our trip.
The cashier made all of us show I.D. Me, my sister and my husband. We are all over 21. Then the cashier forgot to put the vodka in our shopping bag. (We only had one bag)
We got all the way to where we were staying then had to drive all the way back to get it. I paid for it and I wasn't about to leave it sitting there.
She also asked if we had a V.I.P card and I said no because we live in California. She didn't even offer to give us the V.I.P treatment. At least at Safeway they ask if you know someone who does.
I like Safeway better.