I am new the the world of vaping and thought I would swing by this place on my way home to get some ejuice and a cartomizer for an automatic draw battery I had. I didnt need any tanks or any fancy bulky batteries, since I am a noob and only vape on occasion. When I explained to the man at the counter what I was looking for, he directed me to the circle k across the street for the 'cheap crappy cartridges'. I didnt know what to say! I felt like I dragged a civic to a high end car show, and the man was looking down his nose at me.
I did a lot of research before coming in, on the cartomizer I had in mind and knew that there are a smaller and very popular alternative to the massive tanks.
The store obviously caters to a specific crowd. From the looks of the shop, it is very clean and he has several large batteries, tanks, and many flavors of ejuice but doesnt carry cartomizers, cartridges, or parts to assemble your own. Perhaps next time the man will consider educating me on why he feels its inferior and maybe sell me something for my taste. Instead i left without buying anything and feeling embarrassed for considering myself among the vape crowd.