| - I was on disaster relief duty with The Calgary Highlanders on June 22nd, helping move sandbags from a flatbed truck into a front-end loader in anticipation of throwing them in the river to stop the houses on 8th Avenue from falling into the Bow River, when some crazy dude on a Peter-Parker like scooter came riding up. Free pizzas from somewhere. Our platoon of 30 Highlanders gratefully accepted the manna and went back to work.
Then the guy came back. This time with some Indian food in addition to six more pizzas - the capacity of the little carrier on the back of the scooter.
By now we had finished moving the 125,000 pounds of sandbags or whatever it was, and the platoon commander was ordering us to the river bank to move the sandbags from where the front-end loader had dumped them, into the bucket of an excavator. Turns out the Bow River, which was like 6 feet higher than normal or something, had torn away about 100 feet of shoreline, and was still eroding the bank because of the volume and speed of the current. The City of Calgary engineers were using heavy equipment to dump Jersey barriers into the river, and our sandbags were going in next, all in an attempt to slow the flow, and save the houses that were now just 40 feet or so from extinction on the unstable bank.
And here comes the pizza guy with another round of pizza, and Indian tacos.
A long story short (you can read the long story at, the City Engineers saved the day (with the help of a few good Highlanders), and just as we were mounting the trucks to go riding off into the sunset (literally) - damned if that guy on the scooter didn't zip past with another load of pizzas and tacos.
The tacos were really quite good - I've never tried this variety - and my platoon mates all thought the pizza was great - nothing fancy, just honest-to-goodness, old fashioned ingredients.
Like some of the other reviews I just glanced at, I have to admit, I am a bit amazed at the name, as I certainly know what "without papers" means and saw fistfights break out in high school over the use of the abbreviation of that term.
The generosity was greatly appreciated, and the quality of the food seemed good, though admittedly, we had been eating army rations for 24 hours and our breakfast had consisted of mystery meat sandwiches and Doritos. I guess the caterer didn't know how to make bacon and eggs. But I digress.
Definitely worth a try.