I will never go back to this restaurant because the owner was the biggest d-bag you have ever met. He was so obnoxious and loud trying to entertain everyone that walked in. I don't need a clown show with my dinner. I think the music in the restaurant is purposely very low so he can hear himself mispronounce Italian words. On top of this he gave me a glass of wine that smelled and tasted more like vinegar and feet. I told him very discreetly and politely that my wine does not taste right he made a big deal out of it. There was 3 other tables there for dinner and he put on a show for them by yelling that he just opened that bottle and he checked it himself. The table next to us was an older couple that were his friends and even they joined in and made some rude comments. I couldn't believe it! This is a nightmare: I am paying to be insulted! Everyone was staring at me and it was extremely embarrassing.
Seems that this place has survived so far because the owners wife is the chef and she does a good job, the food was great.
My advice to her: Get your dead beat of husband away from your customers. he's more suited to clean the toilets then interact with people. He said the word PERFECTO a thousand times. He is annoying, cheesy and rude. He doesn't know sh$t about wine.