It's pretty difficult to review fast food chain restaurants. Everyone knows what to expect anyways. Thus, I think 95% of them would just get a 3 star rating from me.
This location is a bit cleaner than most. I've never had to do the grab a napkin and do the table wipedown myself. Sometimes when places get busy the tables go uncleared for a while and you have to wipe them yourself. This location gets a little busy during lunchtime but they handle it real well.
Additionally there is an employee who works at the register (Chelsea) that is always just super friendly and happy. She's there most weekdays.
As with most taco bell's the food is prepared really fast. Sometimes I won't even bother sitting down because I know they'll call my number as soon as I do sit.
edit: I have a new crush. The original Chelsea isn't there anymore, but there is a new girl also named Chelsea. She's got pink hair with streaks of blue. She reminds me of Princess Cadence from My Little Pony. She's my destiny.