Again...and I feel like I say this a LOT about Charlotte restaurants...just one more place with two-star food for five-star prices. The price for eating out in this town are crazy - and I'm from the NYC area, and I'm quite used to high prices. I don't mind paying good money - but it should be for good food. When EVERYTHING on the menu is $12 and up....I would expect to be rating my experience here with at least 4 stars. I won't get into the details - suffice it to say, I've tried this place 3 times, and each time has been a 2-star experience. One small detail I would like to give: I ordered grits as the side that "came with" my breakfast. The waiter asked me if I wanted plain or cheese, and I order cheese grits. When the check came, I notice that they charged me .75 for the cheese for my grits. What? Yeah. Enough said. Note to restaurant owners: if you have to nickel and dime your patrons like that, you don't deserve to stay in business.