| - One of Charlotte's worst qualities is the fact that it lacks establishments like this that give a neighborhood character. Perhaps I'm more sensitive to this fact because I live in South Park, which is overrun with chain restaurants and corporate cheese, but without the local, one of a kind flare, a neighborhood turns "cookie cutter" and the authenticity goes out the window.
Its nice to have a butcher shop on Selwyn. Yea, I get it, this place is in fact a chain, but at least it feels like a local place.
The meat selection is top quality and they'll cut you just about anything you're after. I go here quite a bit for filets and to get my Boston Butt for my Q.
Prices are comparable to a Fresh Market - which used to be my ipso-facto place for quality meat - but frankly, I believe the butcher shop has them whipped on quality.
I haven't ventured to try any of their pre made stuff, but some things look pretty good. I'm not exactly a rookie in the kitchen, so I've also shied away from their pre-seasoned/marinated meat as well.
Tip: No need to overpay for their wine selection here. Total wine is less than a 1/2 a mile away off Park, near Montford and they have 20x the selection and better prices.