| - I'm sorry to be the 1st bad review of this site, but it needs to be said...
I walked into D'vine looking for an X-mas present for my Mom when I saw a unique Scotch bottle made into a candle. It was priced at $19 & I left without purchasing. The next day, I kept thinking about how much of a kick my mom would get out of it, so went back in to buy it.
When I went back, it was gone, and so I asked Denise (who I later found out is the owner) if she knew if she would be getting any back in before X-Mas. She told me probably not, but to leave my # in case she did which I was happy to do.
The next day, I get a call from Denise telling me she made a call & got 5 of them in. I was so grateful & surprised and told her I would be right down. I was busy working, so my wife stopped by on her way home to find that all of these candles (which were the same size and same everything) now to be marked at $32!
When my wife asked Denise about this overnight price hike, Denise said snippingly that her artist had "raised her prices" and if I didn't want one now, she would have no problem selling them.
My wife calls me from the store, and at this point, it has ZERO to do with $13, and EVERYTHING to do with the principle of this "business Woman".
I tell my wife to leave her store and I text Denise about how unprofessional this was & how odd it was that these prices went up overnight (all other wine candle & other liquor bottles in her store were still $19).
Denise then calls me to tell get this...How much I have ruined HER day. As a business owner myself, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This lady was ruining MY day, but had the audacity to tell me I somehow ruined hers.
She then has a complete change of attitude once I tell her I am a business owner myself, and asks me to please come down & get 1 for the original $19.
I agree to do so, but tell her for the 2nd time it is only the one brand of Scotch bottle that I want & to please just continue to hold that one for me for 15 minutes (She had previously said she was Holding all 5).
I am half way to D'vine when Denise texts me saying that "some lady has the one you want in her cart"???!!!??
I tell her to go ahead and keep them all and I won't be shopping there anymore at all.
I made ONE phone call when I got home & found a local artist who made me a MUCH cooler one in the exact brand of Scotch I wanted for $15...
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