| - Holy shit what a wretched experience. I wish I would have read reviews before pulling the trigger on a couch from here. Total nightmare.
We searched ever chain furniture store in town to find a couch to fit a certain dimension in our living room. Settled on the LEFT facing version of the "Raines" sectional from Living Spaces.
Purchase was pretty painless, however, PAY ATTENTION when the cashier goes through their return policy. They charge some sort of restocking fee, blah blah blah. This is the first of many glaring issues I have with Living Spaces, and if you read reviews all over the internet, you'll see why it's bullshit.
The warehouse guy loads up our 2 sofa pieces and our flat packed bar stools into my truck. Even though both pieces looked to be the same length, I never bothered to check the sofa before he loaded; it's packed pretty good and he verified the part numbers. First mistake...
Get it home, unload in 113° heat, wrestle it into the house. We unwrap the first long piece, and get it into place. We unwrap the second piece, and before I even cut the plastic, I notice it isn't taped the same way and already has the feet installed. Get it out of the packaging, and discover we're the lucky recipients of a mislabled, returned item. The second piece was the long part of the RIGHT facing "Raines" sofa. We didn't have a corner piece; put the two together and you'd have a 12ft long continuous sofa, not a corner sectional. Lovely.
I inspect the wrapping a little more. On the outside is our part number, but then there's another label with someone else's name and sales order number crossed out in pen. I root around inside the plastic, and of course, I find the correct/old sticker with the part number for the RIGHT facing sofa.
I jump on the phone. Turns out, you can NEVER call a Living Spaces store direct, only their call center. What the fucking fuck!?! First lady I talk to is clueless, and when I ask when they can redeliver the correct piece, she has the audacity to tell me that I WOULD HAVE TO RETURN IT MYSELF!?! Uhhhhh, why should I pick up the slack when the warehouse incorrectly labeled, restocked and loaded the wrong piece? I was totally livid.
So for the next 2 days, it was constant phone tag. Asking for a supervisor gets you the canned response of "they're with another customer" and "they'll call you back." We did that a few times, no call back. Eventually, I demanded that they put a supervisor on the phone, and I would be holding until they did. That worked.
Explained the problem to her, sent the pictures of the 12ft mega sofa through their incredibly archaic photo uploader, and she eventually did call back. Assured us the correct piece would be delivered that evening. It did show up, at 9:30pm on a Sunday night. This is the only reason they get 2 stars, because they corrected the issue fairly quick, and I felt so bad for their delivery guys. They told me that had 7 MORE STOPS after mine. Wow. Someone was likely to get their piece after midnight. Who the fuck is running this half-assed operation!?!
Back to the return policy. Luckily, the wrong piece for me was the previously returned piece. I paid for a NEW sofa, not a sofa that has already taken a trip to someone else's house and stayed for who knows how long. If they are charging a restocking fee on $1000+ furniture, then turning around and selling as new, then they better prepare to make a deal. Totally unacceptable, and I advise you to inspect your item's packaging very closely to ensure it's not someone else's return, with someone else's funk on it. Read other reviews about this common problem, and don't accept delivery or leave will call without getting a discount.
Moral of the story, expect problems, act aggressively to have them addressed and corrected, refuse to let them marginalize you, but most importantly, cross your fingers and home for the best. Good luck!