Everyone knows the chain. Giant portioned heaping helpings of comfort food, which I am pretty sure is a euphemism for food that makes you fat.
This particular location gets an unfair amount of my attention being located next to my girlfriend's home, she loves their potato cheese soup.
The food is fine, but good lord, the staff is suffering from multiple brain injuries. Its the only explanation. In the dozen or so times I've had to eat there in the last 2 years, they've never gotten an order correct the first time, no matter how simple it is.
I am giving them the benefit of the doubt attributing their failure to stupidity rather then malice. Every time they have "forgotten" much of the order. These people are too young to have senile dementia, and get outpreformed by kids working fast food restaurants with more complicated orders.
I can get a 15 dollar salad anywhere, except here, where they forget to include the salad. There really isn't any excuse for for extrordinarily slow, absolutely innaccurate service with mediocre fattening food.