It's hard to argue against what others have said about the experience at VeeQuiva casino.
The 5-player $2 video blackjack machine was broken: dealing cards when you selected to STAY, not paying out winnings on occasion and failing to ask everyone playing if they wanted to buy insurance when the dealer had an ace. The manager was quick to give a couple of us $5 on our players cards but still not a good experience.
Then at the actual blackjack table, the dealer was having a back-and-forth, sometimes animated, discussion with the pit boss about someone parking too close to him and that he had "no choice" (to do whatever he did.) The dealer then left for about 10 minutes before returning.
And the smoking was bad. I haven't smelled like that after a night out in years. There apparently is a non-smoking area but according to the wife it was very small and the selection if games within we're bad.
Ditka's was real nice though.