The Foundry? I'm expecting a steel works factory or something. Sparks somewhere. Big pots of liquid hot metal pouring into other big pots of metal? Nothing? Eh.
Friends got us some tickets to see Dana Carvey and Jon Lovitz perform there. The showtime on the ticket might as well been a suggestion. It didn't start for about a full hour after it was supposed to start. Our seats were in the back, surrounded by a metal banister. Seats were closer together than they ever needed to be.
Another issue of the layout, the beer line is DIRECTLY in the walking path to most of the seats. So while you are waiting in line, you have to keep your head on a swivel to avoid people running into you. So once you get your expensive drink, you have to navigate around people to sit back in your seat.
Once the show did actually start, we didn't have the worst view of the stage. Dana Carvey put on a very good show. Had some funny stuff he was working out and admitted fault if a joke didn't land. That kind of humility built a nice rapport with the audience.
Then Jon Lovitz happened. Unfunny. Hackneyed. Awful. Needlessly Vulgar. Riding on the coattails of Carvey. He clearly didn't deserve to be there. Then the end with both of them together was anti-climatic. There were some audience question written on index cards that they worked with, but by the end of the show, it appeared Dana was uncomfortable with Jon's vulgarity and general lack of effort and it just ended.