| - I was at the Dorrell Lane, North Las Vegas, NV Home Depot location today and was treated with nothing but condescension and just outright poor customer service. I was attempting to purchase a Dyson vacuum and as I was at the register to pay, the item just so happened to ring up at a very low price. I was told that they could not sell it to me at that price because it was too low and they were going to "fix" it. Mind you, both the name and SKU for the item showed up on the screen with that price, so it was not a mistag.
By "fix" it, they meant they were going to change the price and charge me over $100 MORE than what the price was ringing up as! I expressed my concern that it was not fair, as a consumer, that I be charged over $100 more than what the item was ringing up as. Especially since the correct item name, number, and SKU were attached to the lower price. The "manager" BECKY was rude and spoke to me as if I was a criminal trying to steal from the store! I was willing to pay for the item, hell I was TRYING to pay for the item but I was not about to buy it under such unfair circumstances. I asked for their Corporate Office's phone number and asked them to re-scan the item so I have proof that it was in fact ringing up at such a low price. BECKY refused to re-scan and, in fact, grabbed the item I was trying to PURCHASE and took it away from me. Seems as if she was trying to hide something.
I also asked for their Corporate Office's phone number but was not able to call today because BECKY "went to go get the information" and made me wait there until after 5pm, conveniently when the office closed. Coincidence? I think not.
HOME DEPOT, I don't appreciate being treated like a criminal simply for refusing to pay 1000% more than an item is ringing up for. It is not right for a billion dollar company to overcharge consumers simply because they feel like the price programmed in their system is "too low". If that item was not supposed to be sold at the price it was ringing up as, then your employees should have done their job and pulled it from the shelves and not from my hands as I was trying to buy it.!