I'd give this company NEGATIVE STARS if I could. I wish i would have checked Yelp first. This company is CRIMINAL. If you want to get cheap, low quality, break as soon as you get it home, can't return it for a refund SCAM product, this is the place for you. They conveniently DID NOT put the receipt in my bag so when i flew home to try the product and it did NOT work I had no number to call. When i went online to find the number i found all the complaints.
I left many messages at the number online and NOBODY called back. On my next visit to Las Vegas I brought back ALL the defective items and it wasn't until a half hour of their tricks and fast talking and me eventually making a scene in the mall when they finally exchanged the defective items with "guaranteed" working items. Guess what, two days later the exchanged items Do NOT work. I'm going back today... wish me luck. They haven't seen me angry yet, but my blood is boiling.
Why the Miracle Mile has a crooked company like this selling products is beyond me. What other crooked companies are at The Miracle Mile Mall...