| - After purchasing a deal (Groupon, Half Off, Living Social, is there really much difference?) and realizing that it was about to run out, we frantically made our way to the Blue Wave Stables. And we kept making our way to the Blue Wave Stables. Because they are way the heck out there. I suppose if you are going to ride horses, they need to be somewhere that they can wander around, as opposed to walking down Independence, right?
We eventually found the place, and the setup is nice - a decent plot of land and a solid selection of horses. Even a nice bulky draught horse (think clydesdale) for myself, which is good because I probably would break the back of anything much smaller. Then we took off on a trail in the woods.
Other than being located a bit of a ride from much of anything, there isn't much scenery, even as far out as we seemed to be. It was just a shortish trail ride through the woods. I get it, but it was a heck of a drive for a short ride. If you are jonesing to go on a horseback ride, it'll do. Staff is certainly nice as well, but it's probably best if you are already in the area as opposed to coming in from elsewhere.