Do I have to give it one star - It was so bad. So so bad. The worst show I have ever seen. I had to laugh because I could not "Believe" it. They state that "The show is a fantastic journey, an out of this world roller-coaster ride into the subconscious of a man with magical powers". Magical?? There was very little magic, he made a few birds appear - WOW! And he was cut in half - AMAZING. What type of journey are they referring to? From where I was sitting I saw a few folks making a journey out of there before the show was even half over. This show was all about his ego. Criss tries to act and falls flat. It was so very bad I don't know how they can recover. At the end Criss gives a speech about how you can work hard and "Believe" in yourself and you too could have a show in Vegas....Please, we all paid to see a show. Not Criss stroking his ego. MY GOD, had he really had this dream for 15 years? That's sad...
I was tempted to demand my money back but it was not the money I was upset about, it was my time. That can never be recovered.
This show proves a few things: Criss Angel needs to fire everyone around him telling him how great he is - this show will ruin his career. WHO bombs this bad in VEGAS?? AND if your a magician, stick to what your good at.