D'Awana and Lexi are both very
knowledgeable and get right down
to business as noted.
Our German Shepherd Max
did an eight day board and train.
I would recommend two weeks,
but because my parents are retired
and I'm in school part time we have
alot of time to follow up with Max's
Max has worked very hard and he is
learning even faster than us.The classes
are amazing, and Max Really enjoys
them!!! It's as if he has a job and he
loves it. He is evolving into a dog
that we never believed he would have
the chance to be, because of the skill
set given to us by "Sit Means Sit Summerlin".
Now it's up to us to follow through
and stay on task with Max's training.
Thankyou D'Awana and Lexi, and Sit
Means Sit Summerlin. You helped
to save Max's life by giving us an
effective skill set for his life long training.