| - Definitely not the best Vegas club around. No outdoor patio area for smokers, so everyone smokes anywhere they basically want to. On top of that, the dance floor is rather small and squished; it's surrounded by tables, fenced off by ropes, so pardon me if I get pushed and step into your "territory".
Overall, not a fan of the layout. However, I do like that the upper level, where you first enter, stays pretty clear and open, so if you get tired of being knocked around, I'd dance up there near the bar (which I did). One thing I did like was the cool acrobatics! Girls/guys hanging from ropes, swinging back and forth - it's an eye catcher.
Note: Even ratio gets you in for free, guys and girls most nights, so it isn't necessary to go through the hassle of finding a promoter.
For a club named "Light", it sure is dark...