| - This is a weird place and I've been here a couple of times. The entrance is really promising how you have the nice walk downstairs to the actual space. The decor however is a hodgepodge of I don't know what. It's part modern cocktail lounge, part piano bar, part dingy basement feel in a random person's house, but with very little of that 1920s-40s old school speakeasy allure or nostalgia, IMO. The drinks have always been pretty good and strong with a large selection of whiskey, gin, or vodka, etc., based authentic cocktails. However, I almost always get this odor of mildew/mold emitting from somewhere every time I go...again back to the dingy basement descriptor. It's hit or miss in terms of if it will take forever to get served or noticed, or if the bartenders/servers will be rude and annoying acting like this is NYC or South Beach. If you hit it right and all the stars align in terms of service/no odor then this could be a good time. It's a potential good date spot to take a girl who is a little green and has never really experienced a true speakeasy with a subtle entrance or any kind of potentially cool downstairs bar. Her mind would be blown. But, every time I have gone there's been something off and the decor/ambiance is a factor for me. Meh.