If you want to be a vender or sell out here, its not a good idea. This is not a safe place. On 8/06/2017 it was closed due to biker and gang activity. Paid $20 for the day. Made $0. Received a $10 credit. Purchased my spot for Sunday 8/13/2017. Arrived at 5:03 am to find my spot taken. I reported it, and was told I would have to wait to see if they came before 6:30 if not I would have to find another spot if any available. So basically I got up early to fight with management (very rude Jerry), to wait a hour and a half or steal a spot from someone else that I may still have to move if they arrive before 6:30. I paid for this? That's BAD BUSINESS for everyone involved.So basically in order to avoid the conflict I left. So the tally is $40. 2 Sunday's wasted. Treated very rudely by staff. Made $0 dollars. If you aren't a regular, you aren't Welcome to sell out here!!