| - This is going to be short and sweet and straight to the point. The coffee is good, the interior is comfy, and the back patio is really nice...however, the food offerings are boring and bland, the hours of business are awful, and the so called "Baristo" staff are rude and seem to all carry identical attitudes.
I go to this coffee shop because it is the only one in the Mimico strip. PLEASE!!!!! someone open up another one that will blow this snobby, yuppy café out of the water!!! It's funny how the owners are said to support the community, yet hire staff with no personality, and, from what I see - are only friendly to the regulars. I've lived in this community for 17 years and I'm appalled that a community business such as this can continue to bring in such good business! I'm straight up with anyone who asks what this café is like - good coffee...that's about it. Maybe if the owner was more selective on who they hire, my review would go up a notch! Stuck up, snobby staff and poor customer service are all major turn-offs for me and will keep me away more than anything else! On my most recent visit over the Easter weekend, after having a coffee, I wanted some water. A jug of water is kindly left on the counter where the coffee condiments are. I picked up a glass tumbler to pour the water into and it was filthy. I asked one of the oh so friendly staff if they could give me a paper cup as the glasses were not fit to drink out of. She responded, no, we can't do that - "it's only water stains". No offer to find me a clean glass or give me a paper cup. Really, is it that hard to have clean, non-grungy drinking glasses for your customers???
So, if you like decent coffee, and snobby, rude and obnoxious staff...this is the place for you!!!!!