My tiny tortie has chronic bladder problems. Shortly after I moved to Nevada, she began peeing blood on the floor and in the sink! What good fortune that this hospital is right around the corner from my apartment!
They got her into be seen less than an hour after I called, and the doctor discussed all of my options with me thoroughly. Unfortunately, her problems could be caused by a myriad of things, so I had a lot of choices. We decided that the best thing would be for her to stay overnight on fluids.
I'm neurotic about my kitty, and the receptionist was unflaggingly patient and kind even though I called WAY more often that was really reasonable. When the doctor saw that my girl was still in quite a bit of pain, she called me to let me know that she was going to send me home with pain medication. Once she was home, I received several follow-up calls to check on her, and all of my questions were answered quickly.
I'm sad to be leaving the area in a few weeks, because it will be hard to find somewhere to take my kitties that can live up to this place.